British Dinner Party – Tuesday 23rd October 2012

Voici un petit compte-rendu de notre soirée anglaise du 23 octobre dernier, avec au menu Apéritif Royal, Crumble de noisettes, Sorbet Granny Smith & Croustillant au Chèvre, Noix de Saint Jacques caramélisées au Bacon, Filet de Bœuf en croûte sauce Yorkshire, Assiette Gourmande Elisabeth II, Cerises Jubilée…
Thank you to the students of TPRO1 and TPRO2 and the teaching staff for this wonderful British dinner party! The dinner was excellent and the service perfect!
We also loved the British humour of the speech and the puzzling quiz.
And the Marc Aurine Fils band made us sing the most famous standards of the Beatles!
A very pleasant evening indeed!